
Wet, dry or in between, Sontara® wipes are more versatile than cloth rags, stronger and more durable than paper, and less expensive in use than both. They’re made under strict production controls for consistent quality and uniform size and packaging — all advantages you expect from Sontara® products. They are well-suited for the many cleanup and preparation tasks in the manufacturing and transportation industry.

Sontara® Multipurpose Shop Towels wipes are manufactured in a process, using needle-like jets of water to entangle fibers into one of the finest wiping fabrics ever made. Engineered specifically for wiping, Sontara® Multipurpose Shop Towels are tough, durable materials that resist abrasion and solvents, contain no binders or glues, are low-linting, and are highly absorbent in water, oil and solvents. Sontara Multipurpose Shop Towels are ideal for a wide range of applications including aviation, manufacturing, painting, auto, machinery repair, printing, graphic arts and much more.

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    Industrial Wipes
    High Temperature Resistance

    High strength


    High absorbency,

    Low Linting

    Solvent resistant

    Low cost in use

    Low cost in use

    Safe and reliable wipes

    Sontara Multipurpose Show Towels are all-purpose cloths with exceptional absorbency, strength and low-linting properties.

    • Strong and durable - wet or dry - for multiple reuses.
    • Quickly absorbs several times its weight in water and absorbs oil and solvents. Works fast.
    • Low-linting, leaving surfaces truly clean.
    • No additives that can contaminate. Avoid any damage during cleaning.
    • Soft enough for polishing and finishing Solvent-resistant - stands up to MEK, IPA and other solvents without falling apart. Multipurpose Shop towels are tough enough to do more than one job.
    • Cleans efficiently with fewer wipes per task: Multipurpose Shop towels save money by lasting longer.
    • Sustainable and compostable range to support customers in reducing environmental footprint.

    Suitable for several industrial applications

    Sontara Multipurpose Shop Towels are all-purpose, engineered cloth wipes specifically designed
    for a variety of applications.

    • Clean rough surfaces, heavy machinery and abrasive materials.
    • Eliminate grease and oil.
    • Soaking up spills.
    • Withstand contact with inks, solvent and printing machinery.
    • Facility maintenance and production line cleaning.
    • Production, office and break area cleaning.
    • Contamination sensitive production areas and laboratories.
    • Trap debris from any surface (dirt, grease, broken glass, food residues, etc.)

    Product Offering: EMEA

    Sontara® EC Blue flat wipes

    Sontara® EC Blue flat wipes

    DESCRIPTION: Blue K830 12/305 L12/305 U100K B10 P18 EC

    wipe size (mm): 305 X 305

    PACKAGING: 1000 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 18 boxes

    Sontara® EC White flat wipes

    Sontara® EC White Flat Wipes

    DESCRIPTION: White K801B 12/305 L12/305 U1000 P18

    wipe size (mm): 305 x 305

    PACKAGING: 1000 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 18 boxes

    Sontara® EC White qtr fold

    Sontara® EC White Qtr fold

    DESCRIPTION: White K801B 12/305 L13.25/337 U900 P18

    wipe size (mm): 305 x 337

    PACKAGING: 900 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 18 boxes

    Sontara® EC Turquoise bulk

    Sontara® EC Turquoise Bulk (No plastic)

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise K835 12/305 L13/330 U500 P45

    wipe size (mm): 305 x 330

    PACKAGING: 500 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 45 boxes

    sontara ec100

    Sontara® EC White Single Pop-Up

    DESCRIPTION: White K801B 9/229 L16.5/419 U800 P16

    wipe size (mm): 229 x 419

    PACKAGING: 800 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 16 boxes

    Sontara® EC White Double Pop-Up - 1000004270

    Sontara® EC White Double Pop-Up

    DESCRIPTION: White K801B 12/305 L16.5/419 U250 P48

    wipe size (mm): 305 x 419

    PACKAGING: 250 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 48 boxes

    Sontara® EC Blue Qtr fold - 1000004077

    Sontara® EC Blue Qtr fold

    DESCRIPTION: Blue K830 12/305 L13.25/337 U900 P18

    wipe size (mm): 305 x 337

    PACKAGING: 900 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 18 boxes

    EC Blue Double Pop-Up - 1000004272

    EC Blue Double Pop-Up

    DESCRIPTION: Blue K830 12/305 L16.5/419 U250 P48

    wipe size (mm): 305 x 419

    TOTAL: 48 boxes

    Sontara® EC Blue Single Pop-Up - 1000004076

    Sontara® EC Blue Single Pop-Up

    DESCRIPTION: Blue K830 9/229 L16.5/419 U800 P16

    wipe size (mm): 229 x 419

    PACKAGING: 800 wipes/box

    TOTAL: 16 boxes

    Sontara EC® - 1000004153

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Flat wipes

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x305

    PACKAGING: 1000 wipes Poly Bag / Box

    TOTAL: 18 Poly Bag / Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000004046

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 300x380

    PACKAGING: 400 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 60 Roll

    Sontara EC® - 1000004154

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Pop up box

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x420

    PACKAGING: 250 wipes Box

    TOTAL: 66 Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000004155

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Pop up box

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 420x500

    PACKAGING: 250 wipes Box

    TOTAL: 42 Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000004141

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: White Flat wipes

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x305

    PACKAGING: 1000 wipes Poly Bag / Box

    TOTAL: 18 Poly Bag / Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000003773

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: White Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x380

    PACKAGING: 400 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 60 Roll

    Sontara EC® - 1000004156

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: White Pop up box

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x420

    PACKAGING: 250 wipes Box

    TOTAL: 66 Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000004040

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Gopher blue Flat wipes

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 300x300

    PACKAGING: 1000 wipes Poly Bag / Box

    TOTAL: 18 Poly Bag / Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000003765

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Gopher blue Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x380

    PACKAGING: 400 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 60 Roll

    Sontara EC® Grip - 1000004246

    Sontara EC® Grip

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 325X420

    PACKAGING: 500 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 36 Roll

    Sontara EC® Light - 1000004144

    Sontara EC® Light

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Flat wipes

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 300x300

    PACKAGING: 1200 wipes Poly Bag / Box

    TOTAL: 18 Poly Bag / Box

    Sontara EC® Light - 1000004143

    Sontara EC® Light

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 325x420

    PACKAGING: 500 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 60 Roll

    Sontara EC® Light - 1000004289

    Sontara EC® Light

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 260x380

    PACKAGING: 400 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 75 Roll

    Sontara EC® Light - 1000004142

    Sontara EC® Light

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Pop up box

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 300x420

    PACKAGING: 300 wipes Box

    TOTAL: 66 Box

    Sontara EC® - 1000004157

    Sontara EC®

    DESCRIPTION: Gopher blue Pop up box

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 305x420

    PACKAGING: 250 wipes Box

    TOTAL: 66 Box

    Sontara® EC Light for dispenser

    Sontara® EC Light for dispenser

    DESCRIPTION: Turquoise Perforated roll

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 220X370

    PACKAGING: 270 wipes Roll

    TOTAL: 100 Roll

    Sontara EC® Green - 1000005593

    Sontara EC® Green

    DESCRIPTION: White Z folded

    WIPE SIZE (MM): 325 x 420

    PACKAGING: 300 wipes Box

    TOTAL: 70 Box

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